Friday, January 25, 2008

After 35 Years, Roe's at Risk

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling known as Roe v. Wade, which gave women the privacy and right to decide if they want an abortion, was delivered 35 years ago this week. But the 50 or so reproductive rights advocates who gathered downtown this week were not in the mood to celebrate.

Although the Supreme Court has not technically reversed the famous decision that sought to protect the "health of the woman," advocates said the Court completely changed its priorities and opened the door for anti-choice legislation on the state level in 2007 with Gonzales v. Carhart.

"For the first time, women's health was not a priority; there was no health exception," said Lorie Chaiten, attorney and director of the Reproductive Rights Project in Illinois. "(In Carhart) the Court changes how they look at women."

For full story, go here:

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